7 Reasons Why You Need Auto Insurance

Why do you have to pay for car insurance?
Good car insurance coverage is essential to the responsible driver's playbook. You never know when a road hazard, collision, or other accident might happen, so you must prepare yourself with the right protection.
The right type of policy will help cover the costs of unexpected damages or injuries from a car accident. On the other hand, not having coverage can leave you liable for legal fees, medical bills, and repair costs after an accident! All of which can add up quickly.
Paying for car insurance might not be something you're happy about doing. But after reading this blog post, at least you'll better understand why car insurance is an essential product. Follow along to discover the top 7 reasons car insurance is a must!
Why You Need Auto Insurance
Car insurance is essential to responsible vehicle ownership, with many advantages. It could save you from financial hardship and other large costs in the event of an accident.
Here are the top 7 reasons to get a policy today:
- Legally required
- Medical coverage
- Repair cost coverage
- Replacement part coverage
- Rental reimbursement
- Personal belonging coverage
- Roadside assistance
For starters, car insurance is required by law. Many states require that vehicle owners carry minimum levels of auto liability insurance; failing to do so will result in a license suspension.
Additionally, your policy can help cover medical bills, legal fees, and other damages from accidents caused by you or another driver. There are even uninsured motorist coverages if the other driver is uncovered.
Next, repair costs are another motivating factor to secure a policy. If an insured car is damaged in an accident, car insurance can help pay for repairs due to fire, theft, vandalism, or collision.
And don't forget about replacement parts. Most insurance policies will cover some of the original parts on your car if they get damaged in a crash. This typically includes things like tires, glass, and engines.
There's also rental reimbursement. This coverage helps you stay mobile after a crash. If your car is un-drivable after an accident, rental reimbursement coverage can provide you with a vehicle free of charge.
Along with fixing the car if it is damaged, your policy can also help you replace things inside the car that were damaged, such as cellphones, laptops, and audio systems. You can even customize your policy to include coverage for specialized personal items.
Finally, another reason you need car insurance is the add-on roadside assistance coverage. Many insurers provide options to add tow truck services and emergency roadside assistance to your policy. You can even request lock-out coverage if you lock your car keys in your car.
Why Car Insurance Is Legally Required
You need to have car insurance by law in most states. This is because it can help pay for any damage to your car or another person's car if there is an accident. This can save you a lot of money since the policy provides coverage for medical bills, property damage, legal fees, and lost wages.
If insurance didn't exist, it'd be difficult to know who should pay for damages after an accident. Drivers would have to go through long, drawn-out lawsuits to get the funds to pay for their damages.
When both drivers have coverage, they can avoid complicated disagreements. Car insurance claims can be fast, easy, and happen completely outside the courtroom.
Keeping Roads Safe
Having car insurance enforces accountability on the road. With all drivers required to have insurance, there is a greater risk of being held financially accountable for any accidents that may occur. This leads to fewer people taking risks behind the wheel and fewer serious roadway incidents.
If insurance wasn't a requirement, people would be more likely to engage in dangerous driving behaviors such as road rage and excessive speeding. Additionally, unlicensed drivers would be much more likely to take to the roads, as they wouldn’t have the same incentive to get licensed and prove financial responsibility.
The Importance of Having the Right Car Insurance Coverages
No one likes to think about an unexpected accident happening on the road, but it's important to be prepared in case one does. Many states require drivers to carry a minimum level of auto liability coverage beyond just collision and comprehensive coverage, including Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Bodily Injury Liability (BIL).
PIP is insurance that helps pay for medical bills and lost wages if you get hurt in an accident caused by another driver. BIL is a type of insurance that helps pay for medical bills and lost wages if you cause an accident where someone else gets hurt. There are even coverages that help cover the cost of a funeral in the event of a fatality - sadly, over 40,000 fatal accidents happen each year.
Reduce Stress With Roadside Assistance
When you're out on the open road, it pays to have an extra safety net if something goes wrong. Roadside assistance through your auto insurance provider can provide that for you and your passengers if you ever have an emergency while driving. This is especially a good idea if you have young children or elderly passengers with you, as they may be unable to help in an unexpected situation.
Add-on coverages like roadside assistance can give you much-needed peace of mind. You'll know that no matter what happens, someone will be available to help get your car back on the road quickly and safely. And when dealing with unforeseen issues – like flat tires or dead batteries – that peace of mind can reduce stress levels immensely.
Find the Right Auto Insurance Policy
There you have it! The top 7 reasons why having auto insurance is a must: it safeguards you financially, keeps roads safe, encourages medical treatment, offers roadside assistance, and more. So if you don't already have the right insurance policy for your needs, now is the time to start shopping around. With so many different types of coverage available, you can find the perfect option that fits your vehicle and your budget.
Let us help you find affordable coverage today. With Otto Insurance Group, rest assured that you will get the quality coverages you deserve.
We are passionate about helping our customers get the protection they need to feel secure on their journey. Contact us today to get started!